Cohort 3 Fellows:

Anaridia Molina, Annabelle Torres, Chelsea Colon, Michael Soriano, Isabela Montes, Melissa Zozaya, Jose’ Gonzalez, Aaron Uranga, Isaac Polanco, Tiffany Oharriz.

Coordinator, Dr. Donna Aza Weir-Soley


HSI Cohort 3 Fellows and Coordinator: Fellows:

HSI Cohort 3 Christmas Party 2019


Cohort 3 fellows and Mentors


Cohort 3 East Coast College Tour


Cohort 3 West Coast College Tour


CIC Conference (February 2020)

CIC Conference February 2020 Donna Aza Weir-Soley, Coordinator Cohort 3 Fellows: Isabela Montes and Chelsea Colon

CIC Conference February 2020 Johanna Piard and Ana Lydia


Cohort 3 in Graduate School


Cohort 1